Rojas Borregaard posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago
Multiple organ failure and secondary bacterial infection in the later period is worthy of attention.An often overlooked facet of the indirect costs affecting working-age stroke survivors is the challenges experienced by those who return to work. This study quantified the productivity loss in 20 stroke survivors who returned to work which amounted to 53.0 missed work days and an average indirect cost of $10,298 (CAD) in the year following a stroke. Despite the quantified productivity loss, 75% of patients reported no significant disability and a high proportion were self-employed compared to the Canadian population, indicating that socioeconomic factors may be driving patient decisions to return to work.Symmetry is omnipresent in nature and we encounter symmetry routinely in our everyday life. It is also common on the microscopic level, where symmetry is often key to the proper function of core biological processes. The human brain is exquisitely well suited to recognize such symmetrical features with ease. In contrast, computational recognition of such patterns in images is still surprisingly challenging. In this paper we describe a mathematical approach to identifying smaller local symmetrical structures within larger images. Our algorithm attributes a local symmetry score to each image pixel, which subsequently allows the identification of the symmetrical centers of an object. Though there are already many methods available to detect symmetry in images, to the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first that is easily applicable in ImageJ/FIJI. We have created an interactive plugin in FIJI that allows the detection and thresholding of local symmetry values. The plugin combines the different reflection symmetry axis of a square to get a good coverage of reflection symmetry in all directions. To demonstrate the plugins potential, we analyzed images of bacterial chemoreceptor arrays and intracellular vesicle trafficking events, which are two prominent examples of biological systems with symmetrical patterns.Depression is a major cause of disability in adolescents. Higher dietary fibre intake has been associated with lower depressive symptoms in adults, but there is a lack of research in adolescents. We examined the association between dietary fibre intake (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) FFQ) and depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory for Youth) in adolescents with prospective data from the Raine Study Gen2 14- and 17-year follow-ups (n 1260 and 653). Odds of moderate/extreme (clinically relevant) depressive symptoms by quartile of fibre intake were calculated using mixed-effects logistic regression for all participants, in a paired sample without moderate/extreme depressive symptoms at 14 years and in a sub-sample of participants with available inflammatory data at the ages of 14 and 17 years (n 718 and 547). Odds of moderate/extreme depressive symptoms were lower in the fourth (highest) quartile of overall fibre intake (OR 0·273, 95 % CI 0·09, 0·81) compared with the first (lowest) quartile, adjusting for sex, age, energy intake, adiposity, and family and lifestyle factors. However, further adjustment for dietary patterns attenuated the results. Associations of depressive symptoms with cereal or fruit and vegetable fibre intake were not significant in the final model. Adjustment for inflammation had no effect on OR. The association between a higher dietary fibre intake and lower odds of clinically relevant depressive symptoms may be more reflective of a high-fibre diet with all its accompanying nutrients than of an independent effect of fibre.Nutritional status (NS) monitoring is an essential step of the nutrition care process. To assess changes in NS throughout hospitalisation and its ability to predict clinical outcomes, a prospective cohort study with patients over 18 years of age was conducted. The Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) was performed within 48 h of admission and 7 d later. For each patient, decline in NS was assessed by two different methods changes in SGA category and severe weight loss alone (≥2 % during the first week of hospitalisation). Patients were followed up until discharge to assess length of hospital stay (LOS) and in-hospital mortality and contacted 6 months post-discharge to assess hospital readmission and death. Out of the 601 patients assessed at admission, 299 remained hospitalised for at least 7 d; of those, 16·1 % had a decline in SGA category and 22·8 % had severe weight loss alone. In multivariable analysis, decline in SGA category was associated with 2-fold (95 % CI 1·06, 4·21) increased odds of prolonged LOS and 3·6 (95 % CI 1·05, 12·26) increased odds of hospital readmission at 6 months. Severe weight loss alone was associated with 2·5-increased odds (95 % CI 1·40, 4·64) of prolonged LOS. In conclusion, deterioration of NS was more often identified by severe weight loss than by decline in SGA category. CC-5013 While both methods were associated with prolonged LOS, only changes in the SGA predicted hospital readmission. These findings reinforce the importance of nutritional monitoring and provide guidance for further research to prevent short-term NS deterioration from being left undetected.
Gastroschisis is a congenital anomaly that needs surgical management for repositioning intestines into the abdominal cavity and for abdominal closure. Higher hospital or surgeon volume has previously been found to be associated with better clinical outcomes for different especially high-risk, low volume procedures. Therefore, we aim to examine the relationship between hospital or surgeon volume and outcomes for gastroschisis.
We will perform a systematic literature search from inception onwards in Medline, Embase, CENTRAL, CINAHL, and Biosis Previews without applying any limitations. In addition, we will search trial registries and relevant conference proceedings. We will include (cluster-) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective or retrospective cohort studies analyzing the relationship between hospital or surgeon volume and clinical outcomes. The primary outcomes will be survival and mortality. Secondary outcomes will be different measures of morbidity (e.g., severe gastrointestinal complicatween hospital or surgeon volume and outcomes for gastroschisis, this systematic review will put things right. Results can be used to inform decision makers or clinicians and to adapt medical care.
Open Science Framework (DOI https//doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/EX34M ; https//doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/HGPZ2 ).
Open Science Framework (DOI https//doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/EX34M ; https//doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/HGPZ2 ).Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), and it remains the most common immune-mediated disorder affecting the CNS. While the cause of MS is unclear, the underlying pathomechanisms are thought to be either destruction by autoimmune T cells or dysfunction of myelin-producing cells. Recent advances have indicated that inflammasomes contribute the etiology of MS. Inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes of the innate immune response involved in the processing of caspase-1, the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 as well as the cell death-mediated mechanism of pyroptosis and the activation of the adaptive immune response. Here we review the literature to date on the role of different inflammasome signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of MS and how these pathways may be targeted to reduce deleterious inflammatory processes and improve outcomes in this patient population.
Maternal behaviours in pregnancy associated with adverse pregnancy, birth and health outcomes include tobacco smoking, poor nutrition, alcohol consumption and low physical activity, collectively referred to as the SNAP risk factors. Due to the high prevalence, co-occurrence and possible interactive health effects of such health behaviours in pregnancy, antenatal interventions that support pregnant women to improve multiple SNAP behaviours have a greater potential impact on the health outcomes of women and their children than interventions addressing single behaviours. The objective of this review is to determine the effectiveness of interventions delivered as part of antenatal care that aim to improve multiple SNAP behaviours among pregnant women.
Seven electronic databases will be searched for potentially eligible studies. Eligible studies will include those where pregnant women are attending antenatal care. Studies that examine the effect of an intervention that addresses multiple SNAP behaviours (≥ 2 btions that address multiple SNAP behaviours in antenatal care and will help researchers, policy-makers and health services to develop and deliver best practice integrated models of antenatal care that have the potential to impact on both the short- and long-term health outcomes for women and their children.
PROSPERO CRD42018095315.
PROSPERO CRD42018095315.
Pelvic exenteration (PE) may be associated with prolonged overall survival (OS) in selected patients with advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. However, the factors related to improved survival following PE are not clearly defined. The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of OS rates in a group of patients undergoing PE in order to identify the factors related to improved long-term outcomes.
Our study group consisted of 44 patients, including 21 squamous cell cancer (SCC) patients, 22 patients with adenocarcinomas (AC) of the cervix, and one patient with undifferentiated cervical carcinoma. The patients were categorized according to the type of surgery, namely, primary surgery (12 patients) or surgery due to cancer recurrence (32 patients).
In the group of patients with recurrent cervical cancer, we found that improved OS correlated with the SCC histological type and the presence of vaginal fistula. The need for reoperation within 30 days and the presence of severe adverse events significantly worsened the prognosis. We found a non significant trend toward improved survival in those patients with tumor-free margins. Lymph node metastases, the initial stage of the disease, the time to recurrence, and a history of hysterectomy had no impact on patients’ OS. In the group of patients undergoing primary PE, we observed a trend toward improved survival among those diagnosed with vaginal fistula.
Pelvic exenteration seemed to improve the long-term outcomes for patients with SCC cancer recurrence and vaginal fistula whose surgery was unrelated to severe adverse events.
Pelvic exenteration seemed to improve the long-term outcomes for patients with SCC cancer recurrence and vaginal fistula whose surgery was unrelated to severe adverse events.
The presence of a suspicious ovarian cyst with elevated cancer antigen 125 level in a woman of reproductive age poses a serious therapeutic dilemma. Mature cystic teratomas and mucinous cystadenomas may also cause an increase in cancer antigen 125.
A 43-year-old Sinhalese woman with a history of anovulatory subfertility for 5 years presented with heavy menstrual bleeding and secondary dysmenorrhea of 6 months’ duration. Imaging (pelvic ultrasound and computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis) revealed a hemorrhagic cyst (6 × 4 cm) on the right side and a multilocular cyst with solid areas (10 × 7 cm) on the left side. Her cancer antigen 125 level was 2715 U/ml. Following a multidisciplinary team meeting, a fertility-sparing staging laparotomy was performed, which included right cystectomy, left oophorectomy, infracolic omentectomy, and peritoneal washings. Histology revealed a mucinous cystadenoma of the right ovary and a mature cystic teratoma on the left ovary. No malignant cells were observed in peritoneal washings.