Quinlan Clarke posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago
An optimized low volume sampler was developed to determine both gas- and particle bound concentrations of short and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (S/MCCPs). Background contamination was limited by the sampler design, providing method quantification limits (MQLs) at least two orders of magnitude lower than other studies within the gas (MQL 500 pg (ΣSCCPs), 1.86 ng (ΣMCCPs)) and particle (MQL 500 pg (ΣSCCPs), 1.72 ng (ΣMCCPs) phases. Good repeatability was observed between parallel indoor measurements (RSD ≤ 9.3% (gas), RSD ≤ 14% (particle)) with no breakthrough/saturation observed after a week of continuous sampling. For indoor air sampling, SCCPs were dominant within the gas phase (17 ± 4.9 ng/m3) compared to MCCPs (2.7 ± 0.8 ng/m3) while the opposite was observed in the particle bound fraction (0.28 ± 0.11 ng/m3 (ΣSCCPs) vs. 2.7 ± 1.0 ng/m3 (ΣMCCPs)). Only SCCPs in the gas phase could be detected reliably during outdoor sampling and were considerably lower compared to indoor concentrations (0.27 ± 0.10 ng/m3). Separation of the gas and particle bound phase was found to be crucial in applying the appropriate response factors for quantification based on the deconvoluted S/MCCP sample profile, thus avoiding over- (gas phase) or underestimation (particle phase) of reported concentrations. Very short chain chlorinated paraffins (vSCCPs, C5-C9) were also detected at equal or higher abundance compared to SCCP congener groups (C10-C13) congener groups, indicating an additional human indoor inhalation risk.Metal pollution is a long-standing concern and bioindicators are commonly used in ecotoxicological studies to monitor impacted wildlife populations for evidence of sublethal effects. Significant variation in the response of common biomarkers to metals is reported across taxa, thus necessitating careful characterization in model organisms. In this study, we describe the regulation of glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione (GSH), and metallothionein (MT) by zinc chloride (0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 μg g-1) and copper chloride (0.6, 0.9, 1.2 μg g-1) in signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Zinc chloride did not alter GST activity relative to controls in the hepatopancreas. Crayfish exposed to copper chloride exhibited decreased GST activity at the lowest dose tested (0.6 μg g-1) with no change observed at the higher doses. GSH did not change in response to either metal when sexes were grouped together. MT concentrations increased in response to zinc (2.4, 4.6, and 9.6 μg g-1 doses) and copper (0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 μg g-1 doses) in gill tissue. In tail tissue, MT increased at the 2.4 and 4.8 μg g-1 zinc chloride doses and all the concentrations of copper tested. Sex-specific differences in endogenous antioxidant expression were also analyzed with no clear patterns emerging. We concluded that these endpoints are sensitive to zinc and copper in signal crayfish, although careful interpretation is needed when applying them in field studies given the variation in responses, non-monotonic dose responses, and differences in biotic and abiotic factors that inevitably exist in different aquatic ecosystems.Photocatalysis is regarded as a promising technology for removal of nitrogen oxide (NO), however, the low photocatalytic efficiencies under visible light irradiation and the deactivation of the photocatalyst are as yet the significant issues that should be addressed. In this work, visible-light-driven Bi2Ti2O7/CaTiO3 heterojunction composites were synthesized by a facile in-situ hydrothermal method. The Bi2Ti2O7/CaTiO3 composites displayed superior visible light photocatalytic activity than pure CaTiO3 and pure Bi2Ti2O7 in the removal of NO at the 600 ppb level in air. Among all the composites, Bi2Ti2O7/CaTiO3 containing 20 wt% Bi2Ti2O7 exhibited the best photocatalytic activity, achieving a maximum removal efficiency of 59%. The improved photocatalytic performance is mainly attributed to the strong visible-light-absorbing ability, the presence of an appropriate density of oxygen vacancy defects and the formation of heterojunction between CaTiO3 and Bi2Ti2O7, resulting in an efficient charge separation at the interface as proven by photoluminescence (PL) and photo-induced current measurements. According to trapping experiments and spin-trapping ESR analysis, the •O2- and h+ are the principal reactive species involved in the photocatalytic NO removal. In addition, the as-obtained Bi2Ti2O7/CaTiO3 composite showed good chemical stability, which is beneficial for practical applications in air pollution removal.Quantities of researches have demonstrated silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) exposure inevitably induced damage to respiratory system, nonetheless, knowledge of its toxicological behavior and metabolic interactions with the cellular machinery that determines the potentially deleterious outcomes are limited and poorly elucidated. Here, the metabolic responses of lung bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) under SiNPs exposure were investigated using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrum (UPLC-MS)-based metabolomics research. Results revealed that even with low cytotoxicity, SiNPs disturbed global metabolism. Five metabolic pathways were significantly perturbed, in particular, oxidative stress- and mitochondrial dysfunction-related GSH metabolism and pantothenate and coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis, where the identified metabolites glutathione (GSH), glycine, beta-alanine, cysteine, cysteinyl-glycine and pantothenic acid were included. In support of the metabolomics profiling, SiNPs caused abnormality in mitochondrial structure and mitochondrial dysfunction, as evidenced by the inhibition of cellular respiration and ATP production. Moreover, SiNPs triggered oxidative stress as confirmed by the dose-dependent ROS generation, down-regulated nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) signaling, together with GSH depletion in SiNPs-treated BEAS-2B cells. Oxidative DNA damage and cell membrane dis-integrity were also detected in response to SiNPs exposure, which was correspondingly in agreed with the elevated 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and decreased phospholipids screened through metabolic analysis. Thereby, we successfully used the metabolomics approaches to manifest SiNPs-elicited toxicity through oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage and rupture of membrane integrity in BEAS-2B cells. Overall, our study provided novel insights into the mechanism underlying SiNPs-induced pulmonary toxicity.Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been widely studied because of their potential applications. The increasing applications of CNTs and less known of their environmental fates rise concerns about their safety. In this study, the biotransformation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by Labrys sp. WJW was investigated. Within 16 days, qPCR analysis showed that cell numbers increased 4.92 ± 0.36 folds using 100 mg/L MWCNTs as the sole carbon source. The biotransformation of MWCNTs, which led to morphology and functional group change, was evidenced by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses. selleck kinase inhibitor Raman spectra illustrated that more defects and disordered carbon appeared on MWCNTs during incubation. The underlying biotransformation mechanism of MWCNTs through an extracellular bacterial Fenton-like reaction was demonstrated. In this bacteria-mediated reaction, the OH production was induced by reduction of H2O2 involved a continuous cycle of Fe(II)/Fe(III). Bacterial biotransformation of MWCNTs will provide new insights into the understanding of CNTs bioremediation processes.Seabirds form large colonies during the reproductive period, producing substantial changes in coastal ecosystems. The present study quantifies the amount of N and P deposited in colonies of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (AINP). Based on the composition of droppings, the amount of total N (TN), total P (TP) and bioavailable P (Pbio) deposited directly on the area occupied by the colony was determined. In addition, the amount of NH3 released into the atmosphere was also estimated by applying a bioenergetic model. The results indicated that 5.35 t total N, 3.35 t total P and 1.24 t bioavailable P are deposited in the colony annually. The archipelagos that received the greatest amount of nutrients were the Cíes Islands (2.37 t TN y-1, 1.48 t TP y-1, 0.55 t Pbio y-1), Sálvora (1.94 t TN y-1, 1.22 t TP y-1, 0.55 t Pbio y-1) and Ons (1.04 t TN y-1, 0.65 TP y-1, 0.24 t Pbio y-1). Rainwater from the colonies showed higher values of nutrients than in the control plot, possibly also due to gull influence. Therefore, the yellow-legged gull colony seems to be the most important source of nutrients at a local level, exerting a clear influence on the N and P cycles in this National Park. Another aspect worth taking into consideration is that increased N and P bioavailability may have a negative effect on the conservation of rare or threatened habitats and species by promoting the expansion of non-native ruderal species.A mathematical model to estimate seedling vigor index (SVI) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds in soils contaminated with heavy metals was developed. This model was used to quantitatively describe the complex effects of heavy metal concentrations in soils (Cs) on seed germination and seedling growth. Negative linear regressions between relative seed germination percentage (GP), root length (Lr), and shoot length (Ls) versus log Cs varied as a function of soil properties and type and concentration of heavy metals. With an increase in the heavy metal concentration in soils, the predicted SVI values decreased and reasonably described the experimental SVI values within an 80% prediction band. This demonstrates that SVI values can be predicted, a priori, using SVI-soil models. Based on the sensitivity analysis, root elongation was more significantly affected by the external environment than shoot elongation. Consequently, the SVI-soil model developed in this study can explain heavy metal phytotoxicity to sunflower in complex soil systems. Further research using a diverse range of hyperaccumulator plants and soils is required to render SVI-soil model more available for complex systems in predictions of heavy metal phytotoxicity and hyperaccumulating behaviors of hyperaccumulator plants in various soil systems.During the summer months, urban areas are literal hot spots of mosquito-borne disease transmission and air pollution. Public health authorities release aerosolized pesticides directly into the atmosphere to help control adult mosquito populations and thereby reduce the threat of diseases, such as Zika Virus. The primary adulticides (i.e. pesticides used to control adult mosquito populations) in Houston, TX are permethrin and malathion. These adulticides are typically sprayed at night using ultra-low volume sprayers. Particulate matter (PM) samples including total suspended and fine PM (PM 10 ng m-3, indicating significant nighttime oxidation. Based on the loss of malathion and the increase in malaoxon, the atmospheric half-life of malathion in Houston was estimated at less then 12 h, which was significantly shorter than previous half-life estimates (∼days). Importantly, malaoxon is estimated to be 22-33 times more toxic to humans than malathion. Both the aerosol size and the half-life are critical for mosquito control, human exposure, and risk assessment of these routine pesticides.