Rich Boesen posted an update 7 months ago
hange in teaching planning in relation to acute and critical care.Obesity and related metabolic disorders are epidemic diseases. Promoting thermogenesis and a functional increase in the browning of white adipocytes may counteract obesity. On the other hand, the molecular mechanism that regulates brown and beige fat-mediated thermogenesis is unclear. This article reports a molecular network led by cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) that negatively regulates adipocyte browning in white adipocytes. Although the function of CYFIP2 in Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and autism have been reported, its physiological roles in adipocytes remain elusive. Therefore, this study examined the physiological consequences of its deprivation in cultured 3T3-L1 white adipocytes using loss-of-function studies. Combined real-time quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot analysis showed that the loss of CYFIP2 induces fat browning, as evidenced by the gene and protein expression levels of the brown fat-associated markers. A deficiency of CYFIP2 promoted mitochondrial biogenesis and significantly enhanced the expression of the core set beige fat-specific genes (Cd137, Cidea, Cited1, Tbx1, and Tmem26) and proteins (PGC-1α, PRDM16, and UCP1). In addition, a CYFIP2 deficiency promoted lipid catabolism and suppressed adipogenesis, lipogenesis, and autophagy. A mechanistic study showed that the loss of CYFIP2 induces browning in white adipocytes, independently via the activation of mTORC1 and suppression of the GABA-BR signaling pathway. The present data revealed a previously unidentified mechanism of CYFIP2 in the browning of white adipocytes and emphasized the potential of CYFIP2 as a pharmacotherapeutic target for treating obesity and other metabolic disorders.Black and Hispanic cancer patients have a higher incidence of cancer mortality. Many factors (e.g., socioeconomic differences, insufficient access to healthcare) contribute to racial disparity. Emerging research implicates biological disparity in cancer outcomes. Studies show distinct differences in the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) in Black cancer patients. Studies also have linked altered mitochondrial metabolism to changes in immune cell activation in TIME. Recent publications revealed a novel immunomodulatory role for triphenylphosphonium-based mitochondrial-targeted drugs (MTDs). These are synthetically modified, naturally occurring molecules (e.g., honokiol, magnolol, metformin) or FDA-approved small molecule drugs (e.g., atovaquone, hydroxyurea). Modifications involve conjugating the parent molecule via an alkyl linker chain to a triphenylphosphonium moiety. These modified molecules (e.g., Mito-honokiol, Mito-magnolol, Mito-metformin, Mito-atovaquone, Mito-hydroxyurea) accumulate in tumor cell mitochondria more effectively than in normal cells and inhibit mitochondrial respiration, induce reactive oxygen species, activate AMPK and redox transcription factors, and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Besides these intrinsic effects of MTDs in redox signaling and proliferation in tumors, MTDs induced extrinsic effects in the TIME of mouse xenografts. MTD treatment inhibited tumor-suppressive immune cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, and regulatory T cells, and activated T cells and antitumor immune effects. One key biological disparity in Black cancer patients was related to altered mitochondrial oxidative metabolism; MTDs targeting vulnerabilities in tumor cells and the TIME may help us understand this biological disparity. Clinical trials should include an appropriate number of Black and Hispanic cancer patients and should validate the intratumoral, antihypoxic effects of MTDs with imaging.
Guidelines for the reuse of enteral tube feeding (ETF) equipment guidelines are limited to manufacturer recommendations. ETF equipment reuse studies are needed as the enteral population has increased, along with blenderized tube feeding (BTF).
This experiment tested microbial contamination of a reusable gravity feeding bag and syringe after 15 BTF reuses and cleanings. Eight bags and syringes were filled with the BTF, held at room temperature for 20 min, and then emptied, washed, and air dried. After the last air drying, the inner surfaces of the bag and syringe were swabbed, and aerobic microbial counts were performed using serial dilutions and plate counts.
The microbial counts for all syringes and six bags were <1 colony-forming unit (CFU)/cm
; one bag was <5 CFU/cm
and one bag was 12.5 CFU/cm
. No legal guidelines for surface cleanliness exist for the food sector. Several studies propose a safe microbial level to be <2.5 CFU/cm
, and the European Commission recommended <10 CFU/cm
. Based on these proposed guidelines, microbial counts of all syringes and seven bags were within the proposed guidelines, except for one bag just above 10 CFU/cm
The feeding bag used in this study may be used multiple times for BTF with a reduced risk of microbial contamination when manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines are followed. Although bolus tube feeding is an off-label use for syringes, they are frequently used for BTF, and in this study the cleaning after 15 uses over 5 days was effective to reduce microbial counts.
The feeding bag used in this study may be used multiple times for BTF with a reduced risk of microbial contamination when manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines are followed. Although bolus tube feeding is an off-label use for syringes, they are frequently used for BTF, and in this study the cleaning after 15 uses over 5 days was effective to reduce microbial counts.Bacterial pneumonia is one of the most important causes of mortality in the United States. The bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) accounts for a significant proportion of community and hospital-acquired infections. Here, we determine that the holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) extract improves cell viability and dampens the proinflammatory cytokine response in an in vitro model of pneumonia. For this, A549, a human alveolar basal epithelial cell line, was subjected to a lethal KP model following a 24-hr pretreatment with basil extract. Bacteremia, cell viability, apoptosis, MTT assay, phagocytic capacity, cytokines, and Khe gene expression were assessed in these cells following pneumonia. Cell morphology analysis showed that holy basil protected A549 cells from KP infection-mediated effects by inhibiting cell death due to apoptosis. Additionally, in the presence of basil, A549 cells demonstrated significantly higher bactericidal capacity and phagocytosis. Administration of holy basil led to reduced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1/2a, nuclear factor kappa B, and Khe in the KP-infected cells while increasing interferon (IFN)-γ expression. Our results suggest that basil significantly reduced cell death in the setting of KP infection, likely via attenuation of cytokine and IFN-γ mediated signaling pathways. Holy basil is a promising therapeutic agent for managing and treating bacterial pneumonia based on its potency.0D hybrid metal halides (0D HMHs) are considered to be promising luminescent emitters. 0D HMHs commonly exhibit self-trapped exciton (STE) emissions originating from the inorganic metal halide anion units. Exploring and utilizing the emission features of the organic cation units in 0D HMHs is highly desired to enrich their optical properties as multifunctional luminescent materials. Here, tunable emissions from organic and inorganic units are successfully achieved in triphenylsulfonium (Ph3 S+ )-based 0D HMHs. Notably, integrated afterglow and STE emissions with adjustable intensities are obtained in (Ph3 S)2 Sn1- x Tex Cl6 (x = 0-1) via the delicate combination of [SnCl6 ]2- and [TeCl6 ]2- . Moreover, such a strategy can be readily extended to develop other HMH materials with intriguing optical properties. As a demonstration, 0D (Ph3 S)2 Zn1- x Mnx Cl4 (x = 0-1) are constructed to achieve integrated afterglow and Mn2+ d-d emissions with high efficiency. Consequently, these novel 0D HMHs with colorful afterglow and STE emissions are applied in multiple anti-counterfeiting applications.
The Perinatal Integrated Psychosocial Assessment (PIPA) tool screens for anxiety, depression, and psychosocial factors in pregnancy. We aimed to assess the association between PIPA-determined psychosocial risk and obstetric and neonatal outcomes.
Cohort study of all pregnant women who gave birth at ≥20weeks of gestation in 2017-2019 at a tertiary maternity hospital in, Sydney, Australia. Women completed PIPA at their first antenatal visit and were assigned a PIPA risk category. At-risk women were reviewed and referred for support. The association between PIPA risk category and obstetric and neonatal outcomes was evaluated using multivariable logistic regression adjusting for sociodemographic and pregnancy factors.
In all, 5969 women completed PIPA; 71.4% were assessed no/low risk, 17.5% medium risk, and 11.1% medium-high/high risk. Compared with no/low-risk women, medium-high/high-risk women were more likely to remain in hospital for >72hours (aOR 1.47 [95% CI 1.33-1.64]); to not be breastfeeding at social review and referral for high-risk women may reduce the risk of adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes.Norisoboldine (NOR), an alkaloid isolated from Radix Lindera, was previously reported to promote the differentiation of regulatory T cells (Treg cells), an important subtype of lymphocytes capable of controlling autoimmune diseases. The present study was performed to explore the mechanism of NOR in the view of cellular metabolism. A global metabolomic analysis indicated that NOR preferentially altered the fatty acid oxidation (FAO) pathway and elevated the content of related metabolites during Treg cell differentiation. The detection of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and mRNA expression of FAO-related enzymes demonstrated that NOR promoted FAO in the early stage of Treg cell differentiation. Consistently, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of FAO markedly diminished the induction of NOR on Treg cell differentiation. Furthermore, NOR was shown to elevate the level of acetyl-CoA derived from FAO and acetylation of lysine 27 on histone 3 (H3K27) at the Foxp3 promoter and CNS2 regions. A knockdown of CPT1, the rate-limiting enzyme of FAO, weakened the promotion of NOR on the development, acetyl-CoA level, and acetylation of H3K27 of Treg cells in vitro and in the mice with collagen-induced arthritis, and attenuated the anti-arthritic effect of NOR. These findings demonstrate that NOR induces the development of Treg cells through promoting FAO, therefore, facilitating gene transcription of Foxp3 via acetyl-CoA-mediated H3K27 acetylation modification, and FAO might serve as a novel target to induce Treg cell development.Moiré fringe patterns created by stacking different 2D layered materials as artificial van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures have become a novel platform to study and engineer optically generated excitonic properties. The moiré patterns contribute to the formation of spatially ordered excitonic states (excitons and trions), which can be used in the quantum simulation of many-body systems and ensembles of coherent quantum light emitters. The intriguing moiré excitonic properties are affected by and controlled via the interaction with magnetic elements. Here, a moiré excitonic system interacting with the magnetic elementary excitation of antiferromagnetic orders in MoSe2 /MnPS3 vdW heterostructures is reported. The low-temperature photoluminescence spectra with additional fine spectral structures on the low-energy side, which are coupled magnon-trion peaks below the Néel temperature of MnPS3 , are carefully investigated. The fine spectral structures with long lifetime and coherence time are assigned to intralayer trion-magnon complexes trapped in the moiré potentials (moiré trion-magnon complexes).